Get a Girlfriend - 7: Flirtatious


You have to break the ice and get the sparks flying. There should be strong sexual tension between you. If there is no chemistry, you will fall into the friendzone. By now you are a determined, fearless, happy, confident, decisive, desirable individual. The odds are in you favor. With all this, it should be easy.

A seductive smile

By now you have learned to smile all the time. You had a smile on your face even before you made the first eye contact with her. You are well dress and well groomed. You feel confident. Her very first impression of you is good. Now you have made eye contact. Instead of the usual, brief smile, try to look deep in her eyes for a moment longer, your smile should be a little broader than usual, a seductive smile. Just don't overdo it, don't be creepy. You can repeat this again on the same day, but not too often. Give her a nice compliment with a seductive smile.

A familiar touch

Physical contact is very important. It would be very awkward if you went on a few dates with her and when an opportunity for a kiss would come and you two would never have touched before. A touch helps to break the ice and it brings you closer together. A firm handshake when you introduce yourself is a good start. Pat her on the back jokingly when you deliver a praise. Mess with her hair teasingly. Compare the size of your and her palm. Give her a high-five. Finally, you should hug her when you meet and when you say goodbye. And again - don't overdo it, don't be creepy. You should not "enjoy" touching her when you just met her. Make it seem like you touch people all the time. If you are in a group, you can slap another friend on the back, make fist bump, ...

Tease her

Teasing also helps to break the ice. Don't tease her with her shortcomings. Don't tease her with something she could be self conscious or ashamed about. Tease her with her strong points. Tease her with something she is good at. You can give her a compliment first. For example, if she is a good dancer, compliment her first and then tease her about winning the world championship. Make her laugh. You can mess with her hair. And I can't stress this enough: don't overdo it, don't be a creep!

Compliment her

Compliments should always be sincere. Try to be as detailed as possible - it will show her that you really mean it and are not just throwing it at her. Compliment her often, but not too often - otherwise the compliments will lose their weight. A compliment should show her that you desire women like her and not that you are trying to get in her pants. Always deliver a compliment with eye contact and a seductive smile.

Make her laugh

Tell her jokes, tell her stories and remember: TV episodes end with cliffhangers for a reason - if your conversation is interrupted for any reason and the topic was really interesting - she was listening intently - you can start a new topic as if the previous one was finished and then jokingly refuse to tell her the rest of the story. It will keep her wanting more and it is good if she wants something from you. Just don't be a jerk about it. If you are making plans for a new date, be confident that you are the better option - you can jokingly tell her to cancel other plans - but don't insist on it.

Show her that you like her

Well, these should be obvious:

  • write her a love poem
  • hold hands when you take a walk
  • go dancing
  • invite to movies